Day off, thursday
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, fishing very very good today
Joined a couple friends today for a small road trip through the Columbia river gorge. It was a blast, but very windy. At one point, crossing the 205 bridge into Washington, my bike was getting blown around so badly, I thought it was going to come out from under me. I really had to concentrate to keep it on the road, not good.
When the Willamette river becomes the only option I am at a stand still. I hate the Willamette, sure they catch a lot of fish in there but I don't! Every time I fish it, I feel like I am wasting my time. And if you feel you are wasting your time, you don't fish right and your mind is constantly somewhere else, not good for fishing. I don't even know why I feel that way (other then my lack of success in there), maybe it is the surroundings, the other boats, the lack of my beloved hog line, idunno! But it gets me down every time and I end up with a real bad attitude from the time we shove off. Than the states go ahead and close down the river I do like to fish, and the Willamette becomes the obvious option. YUCK!
Man was I scared yesterday. I have been riding the ole black and tan to work lately. Been super nice to do, and I feel like the world is my oyster.
Bike is done, it is raining, so I decided to try this thing everyone is calling "springer fishing".
I have been waiting for a few months now to attend the Portland Easyriders show. Why??????? There were only a handful of bikes on display, I did not see any celebrity builders like I wanted to. I just wasn't that impressed. Lots of old guys walking around in leather chaps, rather than the black suits and ties they normally wear.