Sunday, August 07, 2005

Uneventful weekend

OK, I am getting dull..............I woke up at the crack and a half before dawn on Saturday and met my buddy for a trip to the coast for some fishing. Passed a few boats on the way and dumped her in the bay. Trolled for 8 hours, we had one fish on that I promptly lost and that was it! Did get to see some friends out there, kinda funny, when you get to a certain level of fishing, not matter what time of year it is and with no prior planning, you seem to fish around the same guys all the time. It is kinda nice, we get to talk and yell at each other when we are fishing. Makes a no fish day a little bit better, a little bit.
Sunday I woke up with the worst sunburn of the summer, my legs. I can't put on shorts pants nothing! It sucks..........we had plans to go to the beach today, but I don't feel like sitting in the sun. So i washed the truck and did a test blow up of the raft and got a few things ready for the rafting trip coming up this weekend. Hopefully that will render more interesting blog inserts. Till than, KMHWA!


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