Friday, June 30, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Wednesday is coming
Man, it was 104 degrees here yesterday. HOT!!!!!!!!!
This wednesday I am getting the Texan up at 0330 and we are going to go do some SERIOUS salmon fishing, no more of this shadness.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Had the day off today and really needed to get the kid from Texas into some fish. Awwwwwwwwwww.............shad. It took us awhile to get going this morning, but when we finally got the Dick Nites out, bang bang bang bang bang bang. We had found a slot that the shad happen to like.
First up was Evan, tongue out and all!
He landed his first "Oregon" fish.
Next poundown went to my pro, Sonora. She handled it like a true veteran.
Evan asked if he could land this one for her.
Snapped a nice one of her and her first of the day.
Once we got home, I put the vacationing Texan right to work. Umm Evan, you missed a couple spots!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Work week
Work week is winding down, I made it through another one. I am bored, probably have to look for some trouble this weekend.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Fished the estuary today for some fresh sturgeon. Not that great for us, we got 1 keeper, 47 inches and a handful of smaller ones.
At Sturgeon Paul's, there was a good showing of fish, some real monsters. I think I am going to try and get a crew for next weekend and try again. I need some sturgeon.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Fished it, nothing doing
Well if there is one thing about fishing in June I like, it's the crowds.
This area of the river typically will hold a couple hundred boats, during the peak of the season. Today it held 3. Very quiet and relaxing, due to lack of both people and fish. The kid and I had a good time, she worked on her boat driving skills on the wide open water and her baiting kills.
She did good at the driving, but her baiting needs some work.
Good day with a good kid!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
It's just that.........
I love women, don't get me wrong. But the last thing I want to do with them is have a meaningful conversation or act like one. And those men that have chosen to be lead about on a leash by their woman make me sick. But I am done with this, for now...........
Thursday, June 01, 2006
It is the whole PC thing that has got this country into the freakin mess it is in. IMO! I mean, we are fighting a war over there that has to be treated with gentleness and kindness. We don't wanna hurt anyones feelings over there or over here. Guess what jacko!? It is a war, people are going to die and get butchered on both sides. The minute we start worrying about how the people of that country are going to perceive us and what the idiots in this country are going to think, we are going to get our asses handed to us one IED at a time! For God's sake, let the military go over there, blow the crap out of everything that is still standing and let's move on. No more PC BS!!!!
It all boils down to women and lawyers, and women lawyers. Shut the hell up, let men be men, and war be war.
Men with pink hearts!
You know what bothers me? Men who don't act like men. Granted these guys have male anatomy and grow hair in places woman don't (although some go have it waxed off like a woman), but deep in their hearts and brains, they are woman. These are the guys that sit around in workplace lounges and foo foo bars gossiping about other woman and talking trash about the guys who act like men. These are the guys that when you treat them like a man, get all whiny and bitchy and instead of telling you something or getting even, they tell their girlfriends and maybe even try to get them in trouble with the boss. Which!!!! brings me to the reason I think so many men have ended up walking down this path! Now I am not racist or sexist or anything of the like, but I don't know that I necessarily believe in my heart of hearts in equality when it comes to business or management positions. Woman can certainly do those things very well, but they are woman!!! Woman don't think like men. Woman, for the most part, are softer and kinder than men. Which brought about the whole Politically Correct (PC) era that will be the downfall of me and ultimately this country. These values, although nice and fluffy, go against the very genetics of a man's soul. And there has been so much infiltration by women and the PC outlook that some men have begin to change. Maybe these men feel that the only way they will ever survive is to turn into a woman like creature. Well if this is survival, I think real men would rather die, I would.
I have more, let me go kick some walls and collect my thoughts.