Monday, October 29, 2007

Furious D at the wheel

Darian said let's go get some fish. And after the great day we had on Thursday, I was like why not!!!

John was the jetty allstar, getting two there and Darian getting one. I broke one off in the jettys on some wierd ass bite and than pinched mine in the Coast Guard hole. I had another one pounddown and strip my bait, and I didn't get him. Good day tho!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Garibaldi 40 lb club

Decided to get back in the saddle today, had some fun trips to Tillamook the past couple of weeks, but nothing great, fish here fish there.

Flood gates are opening.

This here is my personal best keeper to date, and probably be held for awhile by me.

44 lbs bled on the oficial scale.
